Thursday, May 17, 2012

Charity gets a haircut!

I had Shelly come by today to cut my hair... finally! I swear she literally got rid of half of the hair that was on my head, no joke. The pile on the floor was big enough to make a wig. I feel so liberated! But this isn't about me. I decided on a whim to get Charity a haircut as well, since I feel so bad that she always looks like an orphan with the awful cuts that I botch onto her head. So we went for it. I love it. I think it's darling. And it was so cute watching her get her hair cut for the first time like a big girl... *sniff* she's not little anymore.

The last picture has crap for quality, but isn't the cut darling!!!! I think so. :D


  1. she looks so adorable! I really want to get my girls hair done. I was thinking of taking them to cookie cutters, but i never thought about Shelly. Good Idea. I wish you would have posted some pics of your cute cut too.


  2. SO stinking cute! LOve it!

  3. My cute hair is in dire need of decent products. The cut is cute but I'm too hair challenged to do it
